Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Judges 17

Micah and the Levite

Here comes another lapse into idolatry. Micah's mother makes an idol for him. He consecrates a young Levite within Judah to become a priest (and stay at his house and eat his food).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Micah's mother cursed the person who took 1100 shekels of sliver from her. Micah revealed that he took it. Relieved, she blessed him and said, "I consecrate this silver to the Lord for my son to make a carved image and idol."
This shows how far Israel had fallen from the law at this time since idols are against one of the commandments.
Micah did this, made a shrine in his house, and made one of his sons priest over the idol.
A Levite from Bethlehem went wandering for a better place to live and found Micah's house. Notes indicate that this, too, shows how far Israel had fallen since Levites were the appointed priests for the whole nation. This man either didn't realze this any more or just didn't want to do it; again, against God's plan. Michah offered him a salary, clothes, and food to be the priest of the idol.

They both thought they were doing the right thing since Michah was "worsiping the Lord" and the Levite was a "priest".

I hope we never stoop to this level. I know that people may have trouble with an "invisible" God but that's the way it is and it's against His Law to try to make anything (statue, picture, etc.) to represent Him.