Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ruth 3

Good Notes, J.P.
Naomi tells Ruth that she needs to remarry and is interested that Boaz is a friend of the family.While Boaz sleeps, Ruth bathes and lies beside him. When he wakes up and finds her there, he is very impressed that she has been loyal to him and hasn't "gone after" the younger men. Boaz says that if the other man refuses to marry her, then he will. He gives her grain to to Naomi. Naomi says, "Wait here, my daughter, until you learn what happens, for the man will not rest, but will settle the matter today."


Anonymous said...

Naomi tells Ruth that she needs to remarry and find a secure future. She suggests that she approach Boaz as he sleeps on the threshing floor to guard his grain.
While he sleeps, she bathes, perfumes, dresses nicely and goes to lie beside him (no hanky panky though). He awakes and finds her there. He is very impressed that she hasn't "run after" the younger men. Apparently there is a custom that the closest male relative marry a widow but Boaz says that there is another. He suggests that if the other man refuses then he surely will accept her "kindness". He gives her some grain and tells her to take it to Naomi who tells her to wait, that he won't rest until this is resolved.

I'm not sure what the lesson is right now but it is a relief to be reading about decent, well-behaved people who care about each other for a change.

Karlton said...

My notes state the point is this: "Its aim is to demonstrate the divine reward for such piety even when practiced on a stranger. Ruth's piety, her spirit of self-sacrifice, and her moral integrity were favored by God with the gift of faith and an illustrious marriage whereby she became the ancestress of David and of Christ."