Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Psalm 67

The Nations Called to Praise God

My notes state that this is "a prayer of benediction" - I believe I've heard this put to music - this would be a good one to use at the Bible study Sunday!

1 - 2 May God bless us so that his way will be known on earth!

3 - 4 Let all nations praise God!

5 - 6 Let all people praise God, who has blessed us, and may he continue to bless us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My notes indicate that this might have been used to conclude a service. For almost every verse my notes discuss the form, structure, and poetic style of each Psalm. I think the meaning is more important, but you're being an English teacher, you might be interested in that aspect.

4 "You rule the peoples justly and guide the nations of the earth." This makes me think about what John was saying, "Why doesn't God "take control" more these days." From the beginning, God has allowed us to choose him. When whole nations have focused their worship, prayer, and praise God has always listened and responded. I know that God is very active in my life as well as all believers RIGHT NOW. Any perceived lack of intervention on a national or global scale I see as a result of the nations and world not seeking God and focusing on Him. It should be motivation for Christians to "do their job" which is to spread the word and take care of that problem.