Thursday, March 29, 2007

Deuteronomy 15

1 - 18 The Sabbatical Year of Remission

Every seventh year, the Isrealites should grant a remission of debts. If there is someone in the community in need, then do not be heard-hearted or tight-fisted toward your needy neighbor. Slaves should be freed after seven years.

19 - 23 The Firstborn of Livestock

The first male ox shall be eaten (with the household). Still, don't eat the blood.

Question of the Day: Give us a question, J.P.!


FireBoy said...

Even though it is the year for cancelling debts, God wants the Israelites to give like it's the year after. It says in vs. 10 to give generously, without a grudging heart no matter what. If they did not give to the needy brother, they were disobeying a command from God. This would be a sin. It's really hard to give generously, for me. I don't know if it's the time we live in or just human nature. But if someone needs something from me, I usually think, "and what do I get?" Well, I get to show God through me. That should be plenty, right?

Karlton said...

vs 9: Don't put others in a position to pray against you. It's not good for anybody.