Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Deuteronomy 5

1- 5 The Covenant at Horeb

God makes a covenant with the Isrealites - not with their fathers - but with the Isrealites. My notes say: "God does not punish us for another's sins, but because of the solidarity of human society, the good or evil deeds of one generation smay make their effects felt even in later generations."

6 - 21 The Decalogue

The Ten Commandments

22 - 33 Moses as Mediator

The Isrealites are worried because of the fire and cloud. When God hears this, he tells Moses to be sure the Isrealites keep His commandments. He wants Moses to stay while the rest go to their tents so God can give the statutes and decrees. Moses says, "Be careful, therefore, to do as the Lord your God, has commanded you, not turning aside to the right or left , but following exactly the way prescribed for you by the Lord your God, that you may live and prosper, and may have long life in the land which you are to occupy." (32 - 33)

Question of the Day: My dictionary says a covenant is "a solemn binding agreement" Q: What action does each party (God and humans) agree to do?"

1 comment:

FireBoy said...

It's not very hard to keep some of the commandments. i.e. no murder, no stealing, no adultry-ing, false testimony about your neighbor, honoring your father and mother, coveting your neighbors wife, especially the resting on the sabbath. But the first one is one I really need to be careful with. It's so easy to sit down and watch tv instead of taking some quiet time with God, making tv a god. And that's just one example.

I think JP gave the only answer to the question. You and your 0500 bible study.