Thursday, March 08, 2007

Deuteronomy 6

1 - 3 Moses as Mediator (Continued)

The Lord wishes for the Isrealites to obey the law "so that you and you son and your grandson may fear the Lord, your God, and keep, throughout the days of your lives, all his statutes and commandments which I enjoin on you, and thus have a long life." (2)

4 - 9 The Great Commandment

"Therefore, you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength. (5) The Isrealites are even told to keep these words so seriously that they put them on their wrists and on their foreheads as a pendant. My notes say this is just figurative.

10 - 19 Fidality in Prosperity

The Lord promises land (10), goods, and food (11). Then there is another reminder not to follow other gods.

20 - 25 Instruction to Children

Here are instructions of exactly what to say to children when they ask what the statutes and ordinances mean. Verses 21 - 25 pretty much sum up everything that has been summarized in the first 5 books of Deuteronomy.

Question of the Day: Read verse 13. What is meant by "serve"?

1 comment:

FireBoy said...

If you love something or someone, you want to share that with people. I think to serve God is to love and share God. God should be the center of every thought and action we have. verse 12 says " careful not to forget the Lord." According to my wife, I forget a lot of things. Sometimes the only way I can remember something is to think about it constantly.