Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Deuteronomy 8

1 - 5 God's Care

The Isrealites are reminded that God led them through the desert and tested them with hunger (in order to show that man doesn't live by bread alone). The Lord disciplines them "even as a man disciplines his son).

6 - 20 Danger of Prosperity

The Promised Land is described, but also the danger that one might say, "It is my own power and the strength of my own hand that has obtained me this wealth." (17) We must remember that it is the Lord who gives us the power to acquire wealth, "by fulfilling, as he has not done, the covenant." (18) But if the Isrealites forget and begin to worship other gods, they are warned that they will "perish utterly."

Question of the Day: In verse 5, God is described as disciplining as a man disciplines as son. Expand on this metaphor. How (when, why, etc.) do parents discipline their children?


FireBoy said...

It's funny, now that I'm a parent I'm more apt to see myself as a child and God, of course, the Father. Going back some chapters, I think what little disciplining I've done has been pretty much all about obedience. I want my children to obey me no matter what. Complete obedience is complete trust. And God wants us to trust him no matter what we think (because He knows best). God's way is the only way. My pastor always says that God wants you to say "I can't" get to heaven, go into the ministry, etc. "by myself." He knows and He can do these things and wants to do them for you. I'm the same way with my daughter. I want her to need me to do stuff for her. (Most) Parents are happy to be doing things for their children.
I think if your kids can trust you completely, it will be easier for them to trust God.

How easy is it to put God on the back burner when things are going well! The minute things go sour we cry "please help me, God!" We must remember to praise him for all the good things he does for us, even the little things.

Karlton said...

Ha - J.P. I remember that one. And I agree with Fireboy that I want obedience (alhtough with a 2-year-old that's nearly impossible). I also want obedience because I want to keep my kids safe and hope they turn out right.