Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Philippians 2

1 - 11 Plea for Unity and Humility

Be humble - regard others as more important than yourself. He describes Jesus as the example of humility.

12 - 18 Obedience and Service in the World

Be obedient (even when others aren't watching) without grumbling or questioning.

19 - 24 Timothy and Paul

Paul plans to send Timothy to Phillipi.

25 - 30 Epaphroditus

My note: Epaphroditus: sent by the Philippians as their messenger (literally, "apostle") to aid Paul in his imprisonment, he had fallen seriously ill; Paul commends him as he sends him back to Philippi.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Philippians 1

1 - 11 Introduction

Paul and Timothy address those in Philippi. He notes that gifts come from Christ the Lord (not just the God the Father.

12 - 26

Paul describes his present situation (his imprisonment) and that Christians still go on preaching the gospel (though some with hostility toward Paul and others out of personal ambition.

My notes: Paul earnestly debates his prospects of martyrdom or continued missionary labor. While he may long to depart this life and thus be with Christ, his overall and final expectation is that he will be delivered from this imprisonment and continue in the service of the Philippians and of others. In either case, Christ is central; if to live means Christ for Paul, death means to be united with Christ in a deeper sense.

27 - 30

My notes: Ethical admonition begins at this early point in the letter, emphasizing steadfastness and congregational unity in the face of possible suffering. The opponents are those in Philippi, probably pagans, who oppose the gospel cause. This is proof . . . may refer to the whole outlook and conduct of the Philippians, turning out for their salvation but to the judgment of the opponents, or possibly the sentence refers to the opinion of the opponents, who hold that the obstinacy of the Christians points to the destruction of such people as defy Roman authority (though in reality, Paul holds, such faithfulness leads to salvation).

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ephesians 6

1 - 9 How those in Authority and under Authority Should Relate

Children, obey your parents - since "that it may go well with you and that you may have a long life on earth." In turn, fathers must not provoke children, but train and instruct children of the Lord. Slaves (employees included, I suppose) must be obedient "as to Christ." In turn, Masters (those in authority) must not bully those under them. (Even the masters have a Master in heaven).

10 - 20 Courage and Prayer

My notes: Paul describes the Christian in terms of the dress and equipment of Roman soldiers. He observes, however, that the Christian's readiness for combat is not directed against human beings but against the spiritual powers of evil Unique importance is placed upon prayer.

21 - 24 Postscript

If Ephesians is addressed to several Christian communities, it is understandable that no greetings to individual members of these communities should have been included in it.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ephesians 5

1 - 5 Rules for a New Life

Continued from Ch. 4 - Imitate God as Children - live in love. Don't mention immorality among each other. No "silly or suggestive talk which is out of place, but instead thanksgiving." Avoid impurity.

6 - 20 Duty to Live in the Light

Avoid the disobedient. Live in the light instead of the darkness. Live as the wise, not foolish.

21 - 33 Wives and Husbands

My notes: The apostle exhorts married Christians to a strong mutual love. Marriage is a divine institution, and Paul sees Christian marriage as taking on a new meaning symbolic of the intimate relationship of love between Christ and the church. The wife sould serve her husband in the same spirit as that of the church's service to Christ, and the husband should care for his wife with the devotion of Christ to the church.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ephesians 4

1 - 16 Unity in the Body

Paul urges the Ephesians to live in a manner worthy of the call (humility, gentleness, patience, bearing). Grace was given to each of us according to Christ's gifts. There's a diversity in everyone's call; evangelists, pastors, teachers, etc. We are to grow the knowledge of Christ from the head down (Christ is the head).

17 - 24 Renewal in Christ

We must put away our old selves and desires and put on the new self, "created in God's way in righteousness and holiness and truth."

25 - 32 Rules for the New Life

Put away falsehood, speak the truth. Be angry, but don't sin. Don't steal. No foul language, but only that which is needed for "edification". Forgive others.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ephesians 3

1 - 13 Commission to Preach God's Plan

Paul describes himself as a "prisoner of Christ" - He emphasizes that Gentiles are" "coheirs, members of the same body, and copartners in the promises in Christ Jesus through the gospel. Paul attributes his ministry to God's grace.

14 - 21 Prayer for the Readers

Paul prays for his readers' strength and for them to know Christ's love.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Ephesians 2

1 - 10 Generosity of God's Will

All Christians *were* dead in their transgressions and sins and were by nature "children of wrath." But God in his mercy - despite our transgressions, "raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavens next to Jesus Christ (by grace you were saved) . . . for it is not by works, so none may boast.

11 - 22 One in Christ

Jesus, through his flesh, abolished the old law. No longer are there separate clans, but everyone is to be one through Christ - "members of the household of God."

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

1 Ephesians

My notes: Ephesians is Paul's great letter about the church. It deals with the worldwide church, the head of which is Christ, the purpose of which is to be the instrument for making God's plan of salvation known throughout the universe.

1 - 14 Greeting and Hymn of Praise

God chose us in him, "to be holy and without blemish before him." (remember the sacrificial lambs in Moses' day. Also remember that Jesus died in order to make us without blemish). God has chosen us - through his grace.

We have been redeemed through Jesus' blood - we were chosen - "so that we might exist for the prose of his glory, we who first hoped in Christ (12). Hearing the word and believing is the first installment (down-payment) "of our inheritance toward redemption as God's possession."

15 - 23 The Church as God's Body

Paul reaffirms that God raised Jesus from the dead adn setated him at his right hand in the heavens - above "every principality, authority, power, and dominion, and every name this is named not only in this age but also in the one to come." He put everything beneath his feet and is the head of the church, which is his body, "the fullness of the one who fills all things in every way."