Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ephesians 5

1 - 5 Rules for a New Life

Continued from Ch. 4 - Imitate God as Children - live in love. Don't mention immorality among each other. No "silly or suggestive talk which is out of place, but instead thanksgiving." Avoid impurity.

6 - 20 Duty to Live in the Light

Avoid the disobedient. Live in the light instead of the darkness. Live as the wise, not foolish.

21 - 33 Wives and Husbands

My notes: The apostle exhorts married Christians to a strong mutual love. Marriage is a divine institution, and Paul sees Christian marriage as taking on a new meaning symbolic of the intimate relationship of love between Christ and the church. The wife sould serve her husband in the same spirit as that of the church's service to Christ, and the husband should care for his wife with the devotion of Christ to the church.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Imitate God and Christ in our behavior.
Immorality, impurity, and greed are improper; nor obscenity, foolish talk, or coarse joking. These people do not have a place in God's kingdom.

We are now in God's light, live that way. The fruit of light is goodness, righteousness, and truth. Live fruitful lives not fruitless ones of darkness. Find out what pleases the Lord. Expose darkness. It is shameful to mention what goes on in darkness.
We should constantly have hymns and Christian songs in our heart to the point that we sing, whistle, or hum them. We can share this with other Christians and it provided a holy example to non believers.

Husbands should make their wives clean by washing them with the word (scripture) and present her to God and the world "without stain, wrinkle, or any blemish". Love your wife as your own body. Wives should respect their husbands (if he treated them as was just said, it would be easy).

All of this is excellent instruction for behavior and lifestyle.