Monday, July 28, 2008

Philippians 1

1 - 11 Introduction

Paul and Timothy address those in Philippi. He notes that gifts come from Christ the Lord (not just the God the Father.

12 - 26

Paul describes his present situation (his imprisonment) and that Christians still go on preaching the gospel (though some with hostility toward Paul and others out of personal ambition.

My notes: Paul earnestly debates his prospects of martyrdom or continued missionary labor. While he may long to depart this life and thus be with Christ, his overall and final expectation is that he will be delivered from this imprisonment and continue in the service of the Philippians and of others. In either case, Christ is central; if to live means Christ for Paul, death means to be united with Christ in a deeper sense.

27 - 30

My notes: Ethical admonition begins at this early point in the letter, emphasizing steadfastness and congregational unity in the face of possible suffering. The opponents are those in Philippi, probably pagans, who oppose the gospel cause. This is proof . . . may refer to the whole outlook and conduct of the Philippians, turning out for their salvation but to the judgment of the opponents, or possibly the sentence refers to the opinion of the opponents, who hold that the obstinacy of the Christians points to the destruction of such people as defy Roman authority (though in reality, Paul holds, such faithfulness leads to salvation).


Anonymous said...

Paul thanks God for the Philippians every time he thinks of them. He has great joy because of their partnership in the gospel and is confident that the Holy Spirit, who began the good work in them, will see it through to completion when Jesus returns.
We should feel the same way toward each other.
Paul points out that he feels this way whether he's in chains or free to preach and fellowship with them for his joy in in his heart which can't be confined; another good example for us.
His prayer is that our love abound, yielding more knowledge and depth of insight so we'll know what is pure and blameless and that we'll be filled with the fruit of righteousness through Jesus - another prayer which we can use for each other.

Paul points out that his imprisonment has furthered the cause of Christ; that everyone involved from the guards up know that he's there for preaching about Christ. This has caused fellow believers to preach more confidently.
He says that some preach out of envy to bring glory to themselves (trying to prove that they're better or know more than Paul) and some are sincere in their preaching. Paul says that motive doesn't matter since the result is the same - Christ is being preached.
This is an excellent example for us to focus on the main goal and purpose, not to be distracted by each other and pettiness.

He is torn between life and death realizing that, living, he is able to preach and further Christ's purpose for him here but in death he will enjoy his reward of eternity with his greatest joy and creator.
Paul's motto - "To live is Christ and to die is gain." vs 21

27 "Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel."

Philippians is starting off to be very encouraging.

cliftwriter said...

Good verse - 27