Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ephesians 4

1 - 16 Unity in the Body

Paul urges the Ephesians to live in a manner worthy of the call (humility, gentleness, patience, bearing). Grace was given to each of us according to Christ's gifts. There's a diversity in everyone's call; evangelists, pastors, teachers, etc. We are to grow the knowledge of Christ from the head down (Christ is the head).

17 - 24 Renewal in Christ

We must put away our old selves and desires and put on the new self, "created in God's way in righteousness and holiness and truth."

25 - 32 Rules for the New Life

Put away falsehood, speak the truth. Be angry, but don't sin. Don't steal. No foul language, but only that which is needed for "edification". Forgive others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paul has been teaching that Jew and Gentile are now in one relationship and now we are all supposed to live in harmony and unity to show this to the world.
Christ gave each of us unique gifts to be used to unify the church and bring maturity to ourselves and the church.
When we nurture this we won't be "wishy washy" about our faith allowing ourselves to be naive and gullible to the ways of the world and men.
Even though we are still Gentiles (of the world) we must not live like others. Sin and hardened their heart and allowed them to give in to every sensuality and desire. We must put away our former lives and bodies and live with our renewed spirit and lifestyle using God's model of righteousness and holiness.
Paul gives a list of good behaviors which will demonstrate God to the world.