Monday, July 14, 2008

Ephesians 2

1 - 10 Generosity of God's Will

All Christians *were* dead in their transgressions and sins and were by nature "children of wrath." But God in his mercy - despite our transgressions, "raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavens next to Jesus Christ (by grace you were saved) . . . for it is not by works, so none may boast.

11 - 22 One in Christ

Jesus, through his flesh, abolished the old law. No longer are there separate clans, but everyone is to be one through Christ - "members of the household of God."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paul confirms that, before Christ transformed us, we were indeed doomed to death PERIOD. This is because we followed the spirit of the earth who still lives all who are disobedient (to God) and follow their own desires and cravings.
God chose to save us through Christ because He loves us! There is absolutely nothing we can do to earn or achieve salvation. God chose us at the beginning of time to do His good work. He calls us to service when the time comes which He already determined before creation. We don't choose when to be "saved".
God had to provide a way for us to come to him and do his work. The only way is Jesus. We can't and wouldn't choose to do God's work n our own.

Paul reminds us that we were once outsiders and excluded from the rewards of heaven; we had no right to anything of God. We had no hope. Jesus made us "part of the group".

Jesus destroyed the barrier which the law created with its commandments and regulations.
16-18 We have access to God and heaven because Jesus lived, spoke, and someone wrote down what he said. God wanted a written account so that it can be sent throughout all mankind.

19 "Consequently, we are no longer foreigners and aliens but fellow citizens with God's people."

Jesus, the apostles, the prophets and we form a huge building. Jesus is the cornerstone. The disciples and prophets are the foundation. We are the walls which build "a holy temple in the Lord".

22 We are also being built up indivdually to become God's dwelling.
This is a good implication to fitness. In a Disney movie called "The Happiest Millionaire" there's a song called "Strengthen the Dwelling" which is about this very verse and issue.