Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Philippians 2

1 - 11 Plea for Unity and Humility

Be humble - regard others as more important than yourself. He describes Jesus as the example of humility.

12 - 18 Obedience and Service in the World

Be obedient (even when others aren't watching) without grumbling or questioning.

19 - 24 Timothy and Paul

Paul plans to send Timothy to Phillipi.

25 - 30 Epaphroditus

My note: Epaphroditus: sent by the Philippians as their messenger (literally, "apostle") to aid Paul in his imprisonment, he had fallen seriously ill; Paul commends him as he sends him back to Philippi.


Anonymous said...

I'm reading "The Message" translation today.

3 "Don't push your way to the front or sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead."
5-8 Remember how Christ behaved; he was God in flesh but never used his power or even threatened to use it, he behaved as a completely humble slave. Humans have no power.
I watched "The Bucket List" the other day and there was a scene where the men were flying in a plane and Morgan Freeman was in awe at God's creation, seeing the sky and earth from above. Jack Nicholson sort of teased him about it asking if he believed that some "supreme being" did all that.
They discussed faith but, always regarding nature, I would have responded with "then why don't you make it!" I can understand man's pride in things he creates or accomplishes but man can't make nature (animals, mountains, rivers, sky, etc).

9-11 Because of Christ's complete obedience and purity, God made him supreme ruler over all creation and made all of creation (even things dead and destroyed) bow to him.

12-13 Be energetic in living a Christian life. The energy that comes when we have none left is God's energy working at what will give him most pleasure.

15 Be a "breath of fresh air" in the world giving people a glimpse of God's greatness.

19-30 Paul shifts from speaking directly to the Philippians to telling them what's going to happen next. He's sending Epaphroditus first then Timothy to work with them and speaks of each of them letting them know what to expect.

Karlton said...

I thought Morgan Freeman WAS God (Bruce Almighty).