Monday, August 11, 2008

1 Kings 1

1 - Rise of Solomon

King David is older and sickly. His servants get Abishag the Shunammite to wait on him. Although she's very beautiful, there's no hanky-panky.

Adonijah, son of Haggith thinks he's going to be king. He sacrifices sheep, oxen, & fatlings by the Serpent's Stone.

Nathan warns Bathsheba, Solomon's mom, that their lives are in danger if Adonijah becomes king. She goes to David and reminds him that he promised that Solomon would reign after him. Nathan comes in and tells David of Adonijah. David tells Bathsheba that Solomon will reign after him. He calls Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah together to anoint Solomon and shout "Long live King Solomon!" They do this, causing Adonijah to flee. When Solomon finds out about Adonijah's fear of him, he states, "If he prove to be a worthy man, not one of his hairs shall fall to earth; but if wickedness if found in him, he shall die."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David has grown to the age where "he couldn't keep warm even when they put covers over him" so his servants decided to find a young virgin to attend him (I hope someone gets that idea when I get old!). They found Abishag but he didn't "shag" her (to quote Austin Powers).
Adonijah, according to notes, was David's 4th son and 35 y/o at this time. He was likely the oldest surviving son of David. He decided to make himself king without David knowing it. He got chariots, horses, and 50 men to run ahead of him. Vs 6 says that he was never held accountable for his behavior by his father. He actually got some of David's supporters to turn to him.
He then confronted Solomon's mother, Bathsheba, concerning David's promise to make Solomon king. He asked her to confront David. While she's there Nathan the prophet comes in and asks him what's going on.
David says that he'll solve this problem, sends for Solomon and the priest, and makes Solomon king then and there. Adonijah's party is disturbed by Solomon's party and asks what's going on. When told, the party breaks up and Adonijah hides at the altar and asks that Solomon spare his life which he does.

Moral - raise your kids right or they'll make a fool of themselves AND you (not to mention possibly take over the government).