Thursday, August 14, 2008

1 Kings 3

1 - 15 Wisdom of Solomon

Solomon marries the daughter of Pharaoh. Solomon goes to Gibeon to sacrifice and the Lord speaks to him: "Ask something of me and I will give it to you." Solomon asks for "an understanding heart to judge your people and to distinguish right from wrong." (This is a good thing to pray for). The Lord gives him "a heart so wise and understanding that there has not been anyone like you up to now, and after you there will come no one to equal you." Oh, and he also gives Solomon riches, glory, and a long life.

16 - 28 Solomon's Judgment

Here is the famous story of two women who are fighting over a child, and Solomon orders the child cut in half. He declares the child's mother is the one who protests.


Anonymous said...

Solomon marries Pharaoh's daughter

NOTES: It appears that Pharaoh was one of the last kings of the 21st dynasty who established the 22nd dynasty. This alliance shows Egypt's recognition of Israel's power in the region. A later passage in Kings indicates that pharaoh gave his daughter the Canaanite town of Gezer as a dowry. Gezer was at the crossing of two major trade routes in the region and was important to both kingdoms. It appears that Solomon was married in the 3rd or 4th year of his reign. Temple construction began in his 4th year. Projected financial success of the Gezer area gave the go-ahead for his building projects which took approximately 20 years.

Solomon spoke with God in a dream. Solomon told God that he was very kind to his father, David BECAUSE HE WAS FAITHFUL, RIGHTEOUS, AND UPRIGHT IN HEART (we need to be that way too). Solomon tells God that he's "only a child" and doesn't know how to rule a people too numerous to count. That's why he asks for wisdom. God grants him not only that but wealth, long life, etc because he did NOT ask for them as past rulers did (long life, wealth, death of enemies).

AMAZING: The NIV says that two "prostitutes" come to Solomon arguing over an illigitamate (?) baby. I must confess that I've never read this story from scripture but was always told only that two "women" came to him arguing over a baby. I assumed that they were both mothers, married, families, etc. I guess children wouldn't understand the situation with prostitutes nor does it change the point of demonstrating Solomon's wisdom; it's sort of a surprise though. It's really a disgusting story with two prostitutes having children and one baby being killed because the mother rolled over on it in her sleep, just two prostitutes sharing a house.
Everyone knew that God's wisdom worked THROUGH Solomon - God received the glory, not Solomon.

Karlton said...

My translation says two "harlots" - I guess that's a nice way of saying prostitutes.