Monday, August 18, 2008

1 Kings 5

1 - 14 Solomon's Royal State (Continued)

Solomon has quite a spread - lots of land, supplies and chariot horses. He's also the wisest man in land (3000 proverbs & 1005 songs) He knew a lot about plants and animals, and people came from all the earth to hear him.

15 - 32 Preparation for the Temple

Solomon writes to Hiram that since his father's enemies are gone, he will be able to build a temple. Hiram agrees to supply the lumber. In return, Solomon gives Hiram's family wheat and oil, and there is peace between them. Solomon consecrates 30,000 workers, 70,000 carriers and 80,000 stonecutters, 3,300 overseers. Large blocks are quarried for the foundation.


Anonymous said...

It looks like our translations split the chapter in different places, interesting.

Hiram and David were friends so he sent envoys to Solomon to connect with him. Solomon told him of his plans to fulfill the prophecy to build a temple and Hiram was glad to help. Hiram supplied cedar and pine logs in exchange for 20,000 cors of wheat and 20,000 baths of olive oil per year indefinitely.
Numbers for the temple building project are as you said.

Karlton said...

I meant to look that up about the split. And now I'm sitting down and I don't want to get up. My Chapter 4 goes verses 1 - 19.
Then Chapter 5 has verses 7 - 8 followed by 20 (from ch. 4?) followed by 1 - 6. Then we get back on track with verse 9.
Someone at some time or another must have dropped a scroll.