Wednesday, August 13, 2008

1 Kings 2

1 - 11 David's Last Instructions and Death

Before he dies, David is reminded of God's Promise: "If your sons so conduct themselves that they remain faithful to me with their whole heart and with their whole soul, you shall always have someone of your line on the throne of Israel." (2 Sam. 7: 11-16) The length of David's reign was 40 years (7 in Hebron and 33 in Jerusalem).

12 - 46 The Kingdom Made Secure

After Solomon's Ascension to the throne, Abinijah asks Bethsheba to persuade Solomon to grant Abishag the Shumanite as his wife. Instead, Solomon as Abinijah put to death. My Notes: "Abishag had been the concubine of King David. His successor, Solomon, inherited his father's harem. When Adonijah requested Abishag as his wife, he was subtly undermining the security of Solomon's throne and exposing himself to the suspicion of insurrection." Solomon lets Abiathar the priest go back home to Anathoth. Then Solomon has Joab struck down at the tent of the Lord. Solomon puts Shimei under house arrest in Jerusalem. When Solomon discovers that Shimei has gone to Gath, he has him executed. (This all reminds me of the last few minutes of The Godfather when Michael has to prove himself more ruthless than his father.)


Anonymous said...

David dies after giving Solomon a list of who to be nice to and who to kill or cause suffering to.

Adonijah asked his mother, Bathsheba, to request the virgin Abishag from Solomon. When she approached Solomon he had a throne brought beside his for his mother. His response to the request was, "You might as well request the kingdom for him" and had him killed "in God's name".
He sent Abithar the priest home (retirement) saying that he deserved death but spared him since he carried the Ark before David. Solomon replaced him with Benaiah.
Joab heard about this and fled to the altar. Solomon ordered his death for conspiracy and shedding of innocent blood. Solomon replaced him with Jehoiada.
Then there was Shimei who Solomon allowed to live but under "city arrest". Shimei agreed but several years later his slaves ran away and he left the city to get them. When Solomon heard of this he had him killed.
46 "The kingdom was now firmly established in Solomon's hands."

You're right, it is Godfatherish.

Karlton said...

"Don't ever take sides against the family again."