Wednesday, September 06, 2006

John 7

John 7

1 – 13 Jesus Goes to Jerusalem

Jesus’ brothers want Jesus to go with them to the Festival of Booths. Jesus declines to go with them.

14 – 36 Words of Conflict: Jesus’ Teaching and Response

There is a controversy over Jesus’ authority. Jesus states his teaching is not his but his who sent him. The Pharisees send the temple police to arrest him

37 – 52 Words of Conflict Jesus’ Teaching and Response

On the last day of the festival. There is disagreement in the crowd because Jesus comes from Galilee and the Messiah is supposed to come from Bethlehem. The temple police return to the Pharisees empty-handed. Nicodemus defends Jesus, saying that the law forbids judging people without first giving them a hearing. The Pharisees aren’t convinced, saying that no prophet is to arise from Galilee.

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