Sunday, September 03, 2006

John 6 Part One (1-21)

This is a long chapter, so I'm going to divide it.

John 6

1 - 15 Feeding the Five Thousand

As Passover arrives, a crowd has begun to follow Jesus. Jesus asks Philip how they are to buy bread for the crowd and Philip says it would cost 6 months' wages. Andrew (Simon Peter's little brother) sees a boy with 5 barley loaves and 2 fish. Jesus tells the people to sit down, takes the loaves and distributes the food. Jesus gives thanks and fills 12 baskets (# of apostles - coincidence?). When Jesus sees the crowd is about to force him to become king, he goes to the mountains by himself.

16 - 21 Jesus Walks on the Water

The disciples start in the boat without Jesus. The sea becomes rough and Jesus comes walking up to them. "It is I; do not be afraid," he says.

"Be not afraid" is always a good lesson from Jesus (in anything you do!)

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