Monday, October 30, 2006

1 Corinthians 7

1 - 16 Directions Concerning Marriage

Paul states that a man and a woman should be married to avoid sexual immorality. The best bet for the unmarried and widowed is not to be married, but "it is better to marry than to be aflame with passion." (9) Paul recommends against separation and divorce. He also says that the unbelieving spouse is made holy by the believing spouse so they should divorce, but if the unbeliever wishes to separate, then that's okay.

17 - 24 The Life that the Lord Has Assigned

Paul doesn't recommend Christians to try to change themselves. "Let each of you lead that life that the Lord has assigned, to which God has called you." (17)

25 - 40 The Unmarried and Widows

Again Paul doesn't recommend the unmarried and widowed to marry. This makes sense, since it's hard to please both a spouse and follow one's heart in following God.

1 comment:

Karlton said...

I don't think that Paul means that getting married to avoid "being aflame" is the sole reason to get married - however, if temptation is going to be an obstacle to a chaste life, then getting married would be preferable than staying "single" and sleeping around.

Great notes.