Tuesday, October 03, 2006

John 18

John 18

1 - 14 The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus

After Jesus' prayer Jesus goes to the Kidron valley with his disciples. Judas brings a detachment (my notes say a detachment is 600 soldiers !) there to pick him up. Jesus goes peacefully - he even tells Simon Peter to put back his sword after he cuts off the ear of a high priest's slave. The Jewish soldiers take him before Annas (father-in-law to Caiaphas, the high priest). "Caiaphas is the one who had advised the Jews that it was better to have one person die for the people."

15 - 18 Peter Denies Jesus

Peter follow Jesus, but when the woman asks him if he's a disciple, he denies it (you know, he might wish to avoid trouble regarding the slave's ear . . .)

19 - 24 The High Priest Questions Jesus

He says he has no secrets - the police hit him in the face. Then they send him bound to Caiaphas.

25 - 27 Peter Denies Jesus Again

He denies knowing Christ two more times (the second time by a relative of the man whose ear was cut off). Then the cock crows.

28 - 40 Jesus Before Pilate

Pilate asks Jesus if he's king of the Jews. Jesus evades answering. Pilate finds no case against him and asks the crowd if he should release him. They say to release the bandit Barabbas.

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