Wednesday, October 18, 2006

John 21

1 - 14 Jesus Appears in Galilee

Jesus helps Peter & the disciples catch fish.

15 - 19 Jesus' Instructions to Peter

Jesus asks Simon Peter if he loves him more than these (other disciples). Peter says he does. Jesus asks him a second time. Peter still does. Then he tells Peter, "Tend my sheep." When he asks Peter a third time if he loves him, Peter's feelings are hurt, Jesus says, "Feed my sheep" (My notes say this refers to Peter's leadership in the early church). Then Jesus warns that Peter may be martyred if he follows him.

Further, my notes say that "Peter's threefold profession of his love parallels his threefold denial.

20 - 25 The Beloved Disciple

At dinner, Peter wonders that someone is going to betray Jesus, but Jesus says again, "Follow me."

The book concludes by testifying that it is true.

Tomorrow, let's start 1 Corinthians!

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