Wednesday, June 13, 2007

2 Corinthians 11

1 - 15 Paul and the False Apostles

Paul begins by giving an analogy of a wedding. (the church is the husband & the Corinthians are the "chaste virgin"). Then he says a "serpent" deceived the Eve, and they began to subsribe to "another gospel" (it is unfortunate that Paul doesn't tell us specifically what that teaching is . . . )
Paul states how he will work against "false boasters" and their "deceitful gospels" (Even Satan disguises himself as and angel of light).

16 - 33 Paul's Sufferings as an Apostle

Paul goes over his credentials again. (He even mentions the time he escaped from the governor via a basket from the window!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another comparison which Paul keeps bringing up to distinguish himself from the arrogant false teachers is payment... he has never asked for any as the false ones do. He only wants to give to them as much of anything he can as necessary. Any boasting or arrogance he demonstrates is his human, worldly weakness. He asks them to over look that to the message he brings.
He does list many of the hardships and punishments he has received for his ministry. He reminds them of these things as evidence because the false teachers haven't been through any of this.