Monday, June 11, 2007

2 Corinthians 8

1 - 15 Encouragement to Be Generous

Paul talks about the importance of being generous, especially in sharing the gospel. My notes state that when he mentions "sharing" in verse 4, it can be used to describe Christ, his body and blood, and his sufferings.

Later (14) Paul talks about a "fair balance" - that we shouldn't have too much abundance when there are others in need.

16 - 24 Commendation of Titus

Good old Titus!


Anonymous said...

Paul tells the Corinthians about the success of the Macedoniah churches.
2 "Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity."
9 Christ is our example for giving. "You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; that though he was rich (throne of heaven), yet, for your sakes, he became poor (became man and died on the cross) so that you, through his poverty, might become rich (share heaven with him)."

notes - A collecton had been started in Cornith under the direction of Titus during the previous year but the troubles of the chruch showed down or stopped the collection. Paul is now sending Titus back to complete this work.

8 True charity and generoisty can't be commanded. Rather, the sincerity of love is proven by selfless and spontaneous giving.
15 A quote from the OT concerning the collection of manna in the desert. The old and weak might not have collected enough but the young and strong might collect too much which they could give to the old and weak thereby creating equality. Our willingness to give is the key; whether we "just got paid" or it's the "end of the month".

Karlton said...

That's a good quote from Exodus