Friday, June 15, 2007

2 Corinthians 13

1 - 10 Further Warning

I like verse 5: "Examine yourselves to see wheter you are living in faith. test yourselves. . . "

11 - 13 Final Greetings and Benediction

"Put things in order, listen to my appeal, agree with one another, live in peace."

See y'all at A.T.!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1-4 Paul reminds the Corinthians that all the issues they bring before should be supported by at least 2 or 3 witnesses. He also doesn't want to see the same problems and sins still existing after he's helped deal with them on his earlier visits. He reminds them that he is Christ's apostle and, therefore, can summon God's power to deal with unresolved issues.
5-10 Paul asks them to look within themselves to see if they are faithful. That is the proof of Christ, not that Paul has to do everything.