Friday, June 08, 2007

2 Cornithians 6

1 - 10 The Ministry of Reconciliation (continued)

Now is "an acceptable time" to accept the grace of God!

11 - 13 An Appeal to the Heart

Since Paul is speaking from the heart, he asks the Corinthians to open their hearts to him.

14 - (7:1) The Temple of the Living God

Paul warns about being "mismatched" with unbelievers. It is hard to be a Christian when around unbelievers. Paul asks that we "cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and of spirit, making holiness perfect in the fear of God."


Anonymous said...

1 Don't receive God's grace in vain. Being "saved" requires action and responsibility toward God. Our lives should SHOW we are changed.
3-10 Paul continues to present his evidence that he is genuine as opposed to the false teachers. He lists many of the things he and the other disciples have been through to present the Gospel. The false teachers don't go through hardships. Why would they endure what they go through if they were false?
14-18 Do not be joined with unbelievers. Here Paul is speaking of the false teachers; it could also apply to friendships and marriage. We must minister to the unsaved but that relationship should be "superficial" unless they become saved. Having a "best friend" or spouse who is unsaved is a doomed relationship usually for the believer. Sin and holiness can't exist together.

QUESTION: Describe a "mismatched" relationship you've been in where you tried to "be a good influence".
What was the result?

FireBoy said...

v.3 is the perfect description of how we should live our lives.

Being a fireman we have lots of "free" time. It's like we're a big family. But you have to be very careful around some of the guys. 3 out of 5 people on shift could be good Christian guys. But sometimes you find yourself in the day room with the other 2. Pretty much if you don't leave the room, you'll be involved with all kinds of very wrong conversations and such. It usually doesn't hit you until one of the other guys walk in. But it's so easy to get distracted even when your intentions are to "be a good influence."

God has to be in any relationship. All the guys on my shift are Christians. It's really good that we all have the same moral views. We all have grown closer to God and each other from doing simple things like bible studies and blessing all of our meals.

Maybe one of these days I'll catch up.