Thursday, April 27, 2006

Leviticus Eight / Psalm Eight

Leviticus 8

1 - 36 The Rites of Ordination

Hey! We're back to the story! God tells Moses to take Aaron and his sons and assemble a congregational meeting. Moses conducts the inaugural service, and Aaron and his sons perform the tasks as Moses commands.

Psalm 8

Divine Majesty and Human Dignity

My notes say this is a "hymn of praise for God's exaltation of the human creature."

2. Even babies sing the praises of God!
3 - 4. Looking at the heavens reminds the psalmist of God's glory - he wonders why God would take interest in humans!
5 - 8. Yet God made humans just a little lower than God and gave them dominion over the earth.
1 & 9 repeat the refrain, "O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"

Any glory of man comes from God.

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