Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Leviticus Seven / Psalm Eight

Leviticus 7

11 - 38 Further Instructions

My notes: This chapter discusses "the types of well-being offering and their taboos (11 - 21), the prohibition against eating suet and blood (22 - 27), the priestly share of the well-being offering, set aside by the donor (28 - 36), and the summation (37 - 38)

Psalm 7

Plea for Help Against Persecutors

My notes: "A prayer for help of a person who has probably been falsely accused of some wrong."

1 - 2 The psalmist prays to God for refuge from pursuers or "like a lion they will tear me a part; they will drag me away"

3 - 5 The psalmist tells the Lord that if he has committed the crime, then let the enemy take him.

6 - 8 The Lord shall be the final judge. "The Lord judges the peoples; judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness and the integrity that is in me." We should live a live in order that we will welcome the Lord's judgement.

9 - 11 The psalmist prays for evil to come to an end. Line to memorize: "God is my shield, who saves the upright in heart."

12 - 16 What will happen to one who does not repent . . .

17 The psalmist ends by giving thanks to the Lord.

1 comment:

Karlton said...

I second that re: Jesus' wonderful gift of sacrificing for our sins.

My translation of 14: "See how they conceive evil, and are pregnant with mischief, and bring forth lies."

15: "They make a pit, digging it out, and fall into the hole that they have made."

I like your 14 better but my 15. (I wonder if that's where we get the expression, "he's digging himself a pit")