Thursday, June 01, 2006

Leviticus 26 / Psalm 26

Leviticus 26

1 - 13 Rewards for Obedience

God promises prosperity, safety, and His Presence if His commandments are kept.

14 - 46 Penalties for Disobedience

Terrible woes, disaster, hunger, and more are promised if the commandments are not kept.

Psalm 26

Prayer of Innocence

1 - 3 The Psalmist asks for justice since he is blameless and faithful. My notes: "Like a priest washing before approaching the altar, the psalmist seeks God's protection upon entering the temple."

4 - 8 The Psalmist reminds God of his past faithfulness.

9 - 12 The Psalmist asks for mercy and separation from those who aren't faithful.

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