Monday, June 19, 2006

Numbers 10 / Psalm 37

Numbers 10

1 - 10 The Silver Trumpets

God tells Moses to make silver trumpets for making and breaking camp. He tells them to blow them on days of celebration, festivals, etc. See how important music is to a worship service?

11 - 28 Departure from Sinai

Here begins the journey from Sinai to the Plains of Moab. They leave on the twentieth day of the second month of the second year. We see the order in which they travel.

29 - 32 Hobab as Guide

Moses offers Hobab the job, but he's coy and Moses has to coax him.

33 - 36 Into the Desert

They follow the cloud of the Lord for three days out of the mountains.

Psalm 37

The Fate of Sinners and the Reward of the Just

This psalm is about the problem of evil. We should reject evil and trust in the Lord. This would be a good psalm to read when I'm discouraged.

For example: "Turn from evil and do good, that you may inhabit the land forever. For the Lord loves justice and does not abandon the faithful" (27-28)

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