Monday, June 12, 2006

Numbers 4 / Psalm 31

Numbers 4

1 - 20 The Kohathites

The Lord tells Moses to separate the Kohathites from the others so they can look over "the most holy things" Then how to set up the tent of meeting is described.

21 - 33 The Gershonites and Merarites

Here is the census of the Gershonites and Merarites aged 30 to 50 and the items they are to transport.

34 - 49 Census of the Levites

Here are the stats!

Psalms 31

Prayer for Distress and Thanksgiving for Escape

1 - 9 The psalmist puts total trust in God. "You are my rock and my fortress" (4)

6: "Into your hands I commend my spirit" Jesus' last words. My notes say that Stephen also alludes to this verse in Acts 7:59 as he is attacked by enemies. Pretty neat to study the same psalm that meant to much to Jesus and the early Christians.

10 - 19 The Psalmist asks God for mercy and reaffirms his trust in God. 13: "I am like a shattered dish" - that's feeling pretty useless.

20 - 25 The Psalmist is certain of God's help and prays thanksgiving in anticipation. 25: "Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord."

1 comment:

Karlton said...

vs. 6. As long as we're not worshipping our material possessions, I think we're okay.