Friday, June 09, 2006

Numbers 3 / Psalm 30

Numbers 3

1 - 4 The Sons of Aaron

Aaron's sons: Nadab (first-born), Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar (remember what happened to Nadab & Abihu in Lev. 10).

5 - 13 Levites in Place of the First-born

They're in charge of the service, furnishings, etc. at the tabernacle.

14 - 51 Census and Ransom of First-born

A Census of the Levites is described as well as their duties. My notes: The Levites are substitutes for first-born males. Since the Levite could redeem only one firstborn male, a ransom of five shekels each had to be paid.

Psalm 30

Thanksgiving for Deliverance

1 - 4 The psalmist praises and thanks for deliverance and restoration.

5 - 6 The psalmist invites other to join in "for divine anger lasts but a moment, but divine favor lasts a lifetime."

7 - 11 The psalmist remembers the time before deliverance.

12 - 13 The psalmist returns to praise and thanksgiving: "With my whole being I sing praise to you."

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