Monday, June 19, 2006

Numbers 9 / Psalm 36

Numbers 9

1 - 14 The Passover at Sinai

It's been a year and a month since Moses and the gang settled in Sinai. They celebrate the second passover before setting out on the march.

15 - 23 The Cloud and the Fire

A cloud covers the tabernacle (at night it's a fire). When the cloud lifts, the Isrealites set out on their march. When the cloud stops, they camp.

Psalm 36

Human Wickedness and Divine Providence

1 - 4 "Sin speaks to the wicked deep in their hearts" (Sin speaks to us all, but the wicked listen, hear, and obey . . .)
  • don't fear God (1)
  • flatter themselves that they won't be found out (2)
  • speak mischief and have ceased to act wisely and do good (3)
  • plot mischeif, are a no-good path, and don't reject evil (4)
5 - 12 God's steadfast love extends to the heavens; his righteousness is like mountains; God's love is steadfast. A good prayer: "O continue your steadfast love to those who know you."

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