Monday, August 27, 2007

Judges 1

My notes: The Book of Judges derives its title from the twelve heroes of Israel whose deeds it records. They were not magistrates, but military leaders sent by God to aid and to relieve his people in time of external danger. They exercised their activities in the interval of time between the death of Joshua and the institution of the monarchy in Israel.

More from my notes: The purpose of the book is to show that the fortunes of Israel depended upon the obedience or disobedience of the people to God's law. Whenever they rebelled against him, they were oppressed by pagan nations; when they repented, he raised up judges to deliver them.

1 - 8 Israel's Failure to Complete the Conquest of Canaan

After Joshua dies, the Isrealites ask who should fight against the Canaanites. The Lord says the job should go to Judah. Judah takes his brother Simeon with him to fight the Canaanites. They fight Adoni-bezek (Lord of Bezek) and they cut off his thumbs and big toes (Adoni-Bezek says, "Seventy kings with their thumbs and big toes cut off used to pick up scraps from my table: as I have done, so God has paid me back.")

Then we get more recap of the events of Joshua - battles won and lost. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My notes indicate that, based on a verse from Kings, there is an interval of 480 years between the exodus and the 4th year of Solomon's reign. This would place the exodus @ 1446 BC, the period of Judges @ 1380 BC, and the rise of Saul @ 1050 BC.
The assignment for Israel was to drive out foreigners from their new homelands continuing to rely on God's power. We see that this isn't happening. The first reason is in vs19, "They had iron chariots". Other failures and excuses are coming in ch 2. They are now trying to secure the Mediterranean coast.