Monday, August 06, 2007

Joshua 10

Good Summary, J.P.!

1 - 15 Joshua's Defense of Gibeon

Joshua must go against great odds to fight the five kingdoms that combined against them.

16 - 27 Five Kings Defeated

The 5 kings hide in a cave and Joshua roots them out and kill them.

28 - 43 Victories in the South

Joshua and the Isrealites defeat kingdom after kingdom. In answer to your question, J.P: "Joshua took all these kings and their land at one time, because the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel. (42)"


Anonymous said...

The king of Jerusalem heard of the treaty between Gibeon and Joshua and thought this would be a good time to invade them. Gibeon was attractive because it was a large city and all them men were soldiers. He also rallied the armies of Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish, and Eglon to help.
The Gibeonites were caught off guard but sent word to Joshua for help. God again said that He would help Joshua which was manifested by a hail storm which killed many enemies. Joshua also prayed that God would stop the sun and moon so they could finish. God did this! God stopped the sun at midday for a full day!

The five kings hid in a cave. Joshua told soldiers to seal the cave then persue and destroy their retreating armies. Afterwards they opened the cave and brought the kings before Joshua who killed them, hung them on trees until night, then put their bodies back in the cave and resealed it.

Joshua continued to fight and defeat ALL the kings and armies in the entire region.

QUESTION: What was the point of all this; the complete destruction of everyone in this region?

Karlton said...

"Joshua took all these kings and their land at one time, because the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel. (42)"