Monday, August 20, 2007

Joshua 20

1 - 9 The Cities of Refuge

Remember the 6 towns God told Moses to set up for asylum "so, there is a that a slayer who kills a person without intent may flee there. (Numbers 35)". Joshua does this. This will prevent blood feuds

It's good to see he's following Moses' (God's) law.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the procedure:
1-Someone kills his neighbor accidentally, unintentionally, without malace aforethought.
2-He flees to one of the cities.
3-He stands in the entrance of the city gate and states his case before the elders of the city.
4-They admit him and allow him to live there.
5-They must not surrender him if an avenger pursues him.
6-He stays in the city until he stands trial before the assembly and until the death of the high priest who is serving at that time.
7-He may return to his home town.

The cities are named for each region.