Sunday, August 26, 2007

Joshua 24

1 - 28 The Covenant of Shechem

Joshua gathers all the tribes at Shechem. We get another great summary of "the story so far." Then he admonishes them to remain loyal to the Laws of Moses. The people are a little stubborn and Joshua has to argue with them a bit.

29 - 33 The Deaths of Joshua and Eleazer.

Joshua dies at 110. He is buried at Timnath-serah. Joseph's bones are buried at Shechem (on ground that cost 100 pieces of money - the value of the money is unknown). Eleazor, son of Aaron, dies and is buried at Gibeah.


Anonymous said...

It's amazing how many years are covered in the summary.
3-5 I gave him Isaac and to Isaac I gave Jacob and Esau. Esau settled in Seir but Jacob and his sons (sounds like a song) went to Egypt. Then I sent Moses and Aaron.
We know that they were in Egypt 400 years before Moses came around.
It is a good summary just as a reminder but there's a lot of good stuff in the story. It's like watching a Harry Potter movie; you just get the highlights.
12-13 God reminds them that none of this was accomplished by their own power in any way. God provided all success and victory.

The end of vs 15 is very common on little kitchen signs and doormats, etc. "As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord". Joshua reminds them that their ancestors didn't always follow God but God chose them and provided for them so they chose to follow Him and God blessed them beyond measure.
Joshua asks them to choose now who they will serve. They all choose God. He sets up a huge rock as a witness to the vow they make.

QUESTION: Who will you serve?

Karlton said...

You wrote: "The end of vs 15 is very common on little kitchen signs and doormats, etc. "As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord"."
I meant to mention that - I didn't know that it came from Joshua.
Answer. The Lord, of course!