Monday, August 13, 2007

Joshua 15

1 - 12 The Territory of Judah

Judah gets the best part and carefully skirts Jerusalem in the South (according to my notes).

13 - 19 Caleb Occupies His Portion

Caleb announced that whoever took Kiriath-sepher would get his daugher Achsah as a wife. Orthniel (son of Kenaz, brother of Caleb - nephew?) did so and won Achsah. She asked her father for the land of Negeb with springs of water, and he gave her the upper and lower springs.

20 - 63 The Towns of Judah

My notes: "This list of towns belonging to Judah . . . is probably based on later administration organization of the kingdom of Judah.


Anonymous said...

Well, again, we have a huge list of territories for each tribe: borders and towns. I do have a map of this in my Bible. Suffice to say that it's the current country of Israel. You know, if this is the "promised land" and "the best" in the region it would be worth a trip to visit and see this place. I guess God wouldn't have taken the Israelites to England or Switzerland though.

Karlton said...

I want to go somewhere cool . . .