Thursday, August 09, 2007

Joshua 13

1 - 33 The Land is Allotted to the Tribes of Isreal

When Joshua gets "old and advanced in years," the the Lord describes Parts of Canaan Still Unconquered (1 - 7). Then the land is divided. (Levi gets no inheritance)

8 - 14 The Territory East of the Jordan
15 - The Territory of Reuben
24 - The Territory of Gad
29 - 33 The Territory of the Half-Trive of Manasseh (East)

More divisions tomorrow . . .


Anonymous said...

Well, all of this is best seen on maps which my Bible has. There's not much spiritual building to be had in these sections other than what we discussed yesterday. Basically God establish the country of Israel as we know it today.
6 God tells Joshua that there are people in a mountainous regions which He will drive out himself. Joshua just needs to remember to assign the land as an inheritance. This is quite a promise to know that God is providing this and that all they'll have to do is "move in".

Karlton said...

Yes, a map would help . . .