Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Joshua 9

1 - 27 The Gibeonites Save Themselves by Trickery

The kings beyond Jordan gather to fight Joshua and Israel. But the Gibeonites dress shabbily and trick the Isrealites into making a treaty with them so they can live among them. Three days later Joshua finds out and makes them "hewers of wood and drawers of water" (slaves).

My notes say that what comes in the next chapter is important to understanding this.



Anonymous said...

Good summary.
23 My notes indicate that the "curse" could be the fulfillment of Noah's prediction that Canaan would someday be the "slave of Shem". Worship at the tabernacle required much wood and water and, therefore, menial labor. When Solomon became king, the tabernacle and alter were at Gibeon.

QUESTION: This seemed like a simple situation but turned bad. How often have WE been in a similar situation? What could have prevented this? (vs 14)

Karlton said...

I'm actually not sure that things would have turned out better for the Gibeonites had they told the truth. The thing I worry about is that the Israelites left Egypt as slaves and now they HAVE slaves.