Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Joshua 16

1 - 10 The Territory of Ephraim

The Josephites (Manassah and Ephraim) get their inheritance (My notes say the Ephraimites are named after one of the two sons of the two sons of Joseph who take the place of "Levi" in the roster). The chapter ends with a failure: They weren't able to drive the Canaanites from Gezer, but the Canaanites within Ephraim have been made to do forced labor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Notes say that ch 16 & 17are devoted to the lands given to the "house of Joseph". Following Judah, the Joseph tribes had priority.
10 Gezer - Gezer comes under Israelite control in the days of Solomon.
ch 17 will tell about Manasseh.
Again, a map makes all this clear.