Thursday, May 18, 2006

Leviticus 21 / Psalm 21

Leviticus 21

The Holiness of Priests

From my notes: Priests must avoid corpses (contamination can come from merely being in the same room as a corpse - see Numbers 19.14). Impurity lasts for seven days (Num. 19.14, 16) and can only be eliminated by being aspersed with the ashes of a red cow. There is no prohibition against coming in contact witha corpse (it is assumed that one may bury the dead).

Psalm 21

Thanksgiving and Assurances for the King

2 - 8 Thanksgiving for the victory of the king

9 - 14 A Promise that the king will triumph over his enemies

My notes state, "The king's confident prayer and trust in God enable him to receive the divine gifts of vitality, peace, and military success. When kings ceased in Isreal after the sixth century B.C., the paslm was sung of a future Davidic king.

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