Thursday, May 04, 2006

Leviticus Thirteen / Psalm Thirteen

Leviticus 13

1 - 59 (!) Scale Disease, Varieties and Symptoms

I imagine they didn't have dermatologists back then, so that's why the priests got involved. My notes: "The priest is instructed to identify and isolate those afflicted with scale disease, traditionally, but not properly translated "leprosy" (Hansen's disease). It is mainly a noncontagious condition, probably vitiligo or, less likely, psoriasis. Scaling is the common denominator of all theskin ailments described in ch. 13, as follows: boils (18 - 23), burns (24 - 28), infection of the hairy parts of the head (29 - 37), tetters and normal baldness (38 - 41) and impure baldness (42 - 44).

My line to memorize today is 40: "If anyone loses the hair from his head, he is bald but he is clean."

Psalm 13

Prayer in Time of Illness

The psalmist begins with a feeling that God has abandoned him. Then he askes God to look upon him so that his enemy does not rejoice in his death. Finally, he declares his faith in God. 6. I trust in your faithfulness. Grand my heart joy in your help, That I may sing of the Lord, "How good our God has been to me!"

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