Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Leviticus 24 / Psalm 24

Leviticus 24

1 - 4 The Lamp

Aaron shall set up the lamp in the tent of the meeting, outside the curtain of covenant. My notes: "Since the lampstand stood inside the sanctuary, its greater sanctity required the use of pure oil and also required it to be lighted by a high priest."

5 - 9 The Bread for the Tabernacle

Instructions on preparing 12 loaves of bread.

10 - 23 Blasphemy and Its Punishment

My notes: "Blasphemy means spaking contemptuously of God, for which there is no stated penalty (Ex 22.28). It must involve the actual offense of uttering the sacred name of God (YHWH)." The combination of the two warrants the death penalty.

Psalm 24

Entrance Into the Temple

1 - 2 Everything belongs to the Lord

3 - 6 Question: Who can enter the temple? Answer: Those with clean and pure hearts, who don't worship what is false and don't swear deceitfully (this would be a good thing to ask of ourselves before we go to church). This kind of person will receive the blessing.

7 - 10 The Lord is the King of Glory!

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