Monday, May 22, 2006

Leviticus 22 / Psalm 22

Chapter 22

1 - 16 The Use of Holy Offerings

Aaron and his sons are directed to deal carefully with "sacred donations" so that they "may not profane (God's) holy name."

17 - 32 Acceptable Offerings

Aaron and his sons are directed be sure of the acceptability of offerings. (be sure the cattle don't have blemishes, etc.)

Psalm 22

"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Spoken by Jesus on the cross (Mt 27:35; Jn 19:24).

This one's pretty intense. It's amazing how the psalmist takes his misery and turns it into praise for God. I see why Jesus liked it enough to remind us of it on the cross.

1 - 12 The psalmist contrasts his current woe with God's past mercy.

13 - 22 Enemies surround the psalmist

23 - 27 An invitation to praise God

28 - 32 The whole world praises God

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