Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Leviticus Nineteen / Psalm Nineteen

Leviticus 19

1 - 35 Various Laws
  • Honor your parents and avoid idols - Keep the commandments (2 - 4)
  • When you offer the well-being offering make sure it's acceptable (5 - 8)
  • Reap to the edges of the fields (don't waste) Save some grapes for the pooer (9 - 10)
  • Don't steal, lie, or take the Lord's name in vain - Keep the commandments (11 - 12)
  • Don't defraud, steal, or make fun of the deaf and blind (13 -14)
  • Don't be unjust, treat the poor and great the same, don't profit by others' blood (15 - 16)
  • Don't hate (including grudges and vengeance) (17 - 18)
  • Don't mix animals, sow two kinds of seed on the same field, or put on a garment made of two materials (!) (19) My notes: "God separated everything according to its species. The human world should mirror the natural world. Israel, therefore, may not mix with other nations, but be holy, set apart for God."
  • Rules regarding punishment / retribution for having sex with a slave (20 - 22)
  • When to eat the fruit in the land (23 - 25)
  • Avoid consuming blood, witchcraft, rounding off the hair at the temples, or marring the edges of your beard, No cutting or tats. (26 - 28)
  • Don't prostitute your daughter, plus keep the Sabbath and reverence in the sancutary (29 - 30)
  • Avoid Gandalf and Dumbledore (31); Respect your elders (32)
  • Be kind to aliens (33 - 35)
  • Don't cheat when measuring stuff (35 - 37)

Psalm 19

God's Glory in the Heavens and the Law

The Heavens are telling the glory of God Click here for Haydn!

1 - 7 The sky seems to glorify God - the sun comes out like bridegroom, runs across the sky like an athlete. (Think of the "son" rising like a bridegroom as well)

8 - 12 God's Law is perfect

13 - 15 The psalmist asks for cleansing from his unknown faults - (The "son" did this as well) Good line to memorize - 15: "Let the words of my mouth meet with your favor, keep the thoughts of my heart before you, Lord, my rock and redeemer."

1 comment:

Karlton said...

14 (15 in my NAB ?!) is used for the same thing in the Presbyterian Church as well.