Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Leviticus Eleven / Psalm Eleven

Leviticus 11

We begin a section on "Laws Regarding Legal Purity" My notes say 11 - 16 deal with four sources of impurity: carcasses (11), childbirth (12), scale disease (13-14) and genital discharges (15) "The common denomenator of these impurity sources is that they stand for death. Blood and semen represent the forces of life and their loss, death. . . Since impurity and holiness are opposites, it is incumbent upon Israel to prevent impurity, or, at least, to control its occurence, lest it impince upon the sanctuary, the realm of the holy God."

1 - 47 Clean and Unclean Food

Don't eat animals with divided hoofs, cleft foot and chews the cud, specifically, camels, rock badgers, hares, pigs. Do eat everyting in waters with fins and scales. (my notes say "Fish - alone among the creatures - were not named by Adam" There's a long list of birds not to eat and winged insects - so locusts are okay (I hear they are good with honey).

Psalm 11

Confidence in the Presence of God

1 - 3 Take refuge in the Lord, for where can you go when times are tough.

4 - 6 God watches. 5 "The Lord tests the good and the bad" hates those who loves violence, and punishes evil.

7. The Lord is just and loves just deeds; the upright shall see his face.

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