Monday, May 01, 2006

Leviticus Ten / Psalm Ten

Leviticus 10

(Over the weekend, I bought the New American Bible from Unclaimed Baggage for $1.00!)

1 - 5 Nadab and Abihu

Aaron's sons offer up "profane fire" before the Lord and they are killed. They are buried in their tunics with no shroud or funeral.

This is a pretty sad story. I imagine that these young men were more interested in playing with the fire than worship.

6 - 11 Conduct of the Priests

The Lord forbids Aaron and his sons to drink any wine or strong drink before going to the meeting tent so that they can "distinguish between what is sacred and profane." He also commands them to teach the Isrealites "all the laws that the Lord has given them through Moses."

Again, worship should be solemn. Also teaching scripture is important.

12 - 20 The Eating of the Priestly Portions

Aaron doesn't eat the sin offering and it upsets Moses. Aaron answers that since the misfortune had followed him, eating the offering wouldn't have pleased the Lord. Moses is satisfied.

Psalm 10

A continuation of the 9 (Thanksgiving for Victory and a Prayer for Justice)

1 - 2 The psalmist wonders how God distances Himself from the troubles of the poor.

2 - 11 The psalmist wonders why the greedy and those who deny God succeed. Still, "The helpless are crushed, laid low . . ."

12 - 15 The psalmist asks the Lord to rise up and not to forget the poor - to "Break the arms of teh wicked and depraved" and make them account for their crimes.

16 - 18 The psalmist ends by praising God and reaffirming how the Lord listens to the needs of the poor. "You win justie for the orphaned and oppressed; no one on earth will cause terror again."

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