Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Leviticus Seventeen / Psalms Seventeen

Leviticus 17

1 - 9 The Slaughtering of Animals

Whoever kills a sacrificial animal outside of the sanctuary is guilty of murder (3 - 4).
Sacrifce to goat-demons is abolished (5-9)

10 - 16 Eating Blood Prohibited

Aliens are prohibited from eating blood (for it is the life of the flesh is in its blood). Persons who eat flesh that dies of itself or by being torn my wild animals must wash themselves or they shall bear guilt.

Psalm 17

Prayer for Rescue from Persecutors

1 - 5 The psalmist asks God to hear his pleas for he is righteous.

6 - 9 The psalmist declares his love for God.

10 -15 The enemies press upon the psalmist, and the psalmist asks the Lord to strike them down.

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