Friday, May 05, 2006

Leviticus Fourteen / Psalm Fourteen

Leviticus 14

1 - 57 Purification of Scale-Diseased Persons and Houses

My notes: "Three separate purificatory ceremonies are required for a healed scale-diseased person: for the first day (2 - 8) for the seventh day (9, and for the eight day (10-32). They constitute a rite of passage whereby a person is successfully reintegrated into the community."

Also: "(49 - 52) For the cleansing of the house, only the first-day rite for scale disease is required since the impurity generating since the impurity generated by the house is not strong enough to contaminate the sanctuary from afar."

I'm starting to itch. What I continue to get out of these passages is the importance of keeping the sanctuary holy.

Psalm 14

A Lament over Widespread Corruption

1 - 3 Those who deny God are fools. When God looks down to see if one is wise, he sees that there is not even one (We are all sinners).

4 - 6 Will the evildoers never learn? They devour my people as they devour bread. (This could be about the bad influence of our culture). They should fear because the God is with the company of the just. 6 . . . The poor have the Lord as their refuge.

7. My note: "Israel . . . Jacob - The righteous poor are identified with God's people."

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